

Get collection by Id new


The method returns collection info with parsed unique schema.

Brief example

import { CollectionIdArguments, CollectionInfoWithSchema } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';
const getCollectionArgs: CollectionIdArguments = { collectionId: 123 };

const collection: CollectionInfoWithSchema = await sdk.collection.get(getCollectionArgs);


collectionId: number — collection id

Behaviour and errors

Returns null if the collection does not exist.

If collection properties can not be presented as unique schema, schema property will be empty.


interface CollectionInfoWithSchema {
    id: number;
    owner: string;
    mode: CollectionMode;
    decimals?: number;
    name: string;
    description: string;
    tokenPrefix: string;
    sponsorship?: CollectionSponsorship;
    limits?: CollectionLimits;
    metaUpdatePermission?: MetaUpdatePermission;
    readOnly?: boolean;
    permissions?: CollectionPermissions;
    schema?: UniqueCollectionSchemaDecoded;
    properties: CollectionProperty[];


import { CollectionIdArguments, CollectionInfoWithSchema } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';
const getCollectionArgs: CollectionIdArguments = { collectionId: 123 };

const collection: CollectionInfo = await sdk.collection.get(getCollectionArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const collection = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });
Get collection properties


Gets the array of Collection properties. More details about Collection properties can be found in Set collection properties method.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client';

const args: CollectionPropertiesArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result: CollectionPropertiesResult = await;


collectionId - number

propertyKeys - string[] - optional

Behaviour and errors

Returns array of collection properties


interface CollectionProperty {
    key: string;
    value: string;

interface CollectionPropertiesResult {
    properties: CollectionProperty[];


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client';

const args: CollectionPropertiesArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result: CollectionPropertiesResult = await;
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { properties } = await{ collectionId: 1 });
Create collection with unique schema


The method creates a new collection with the Unique schema.

Brief example

Example without attributes

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate } from '@unique-nft/api';

const collectionSchema: UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate = {
  schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
  schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
  image: { urlTemplate: 'some_url/{infix}.extension' },
  coverPicture: {
    ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',
const args: CreateCollectionNewArguments = {
  address: '<your address>',
  name: 'Foo',
  description: 'Bar',
  tokenPrefix: 'Baz',
  schema: collectionSchema,
const result = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult(args);

const {
  parsed: { collectionId },
} = result;

console.log(`Created new collection with id ${collectionId}`);

Example with attributes

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate } from '@unique-nft/api';

const collectionSchema: UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate = {
  schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
  schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
  attributesSchemaVersion: '1.0.0',
  image: { urlTemplate: '{infix}' },
  attributesSchema: {
    '0': {
      name: {
        _: 'Facial features',
      type: AttributeType.string,
      optional: true,
      isArray: true,
      enumValues: {
        '0': {
          _: 'Regular Head',
        '1': {
          _: 'Normal Eyes',
        '2': {
          _: 'Tired Eyes',
    '1': {
      name: {
        _: 'Name',
      type: AttributeType.string,
      isArray: false,
      optional: false,
  audio: {
    urlTemplate: '{infix}.ext',
    format: 'string',
    isLossless: true,
  spatialObject: {
    urlTemplate: '{infix}.ext',
    format: 'string',
  video: {
    urlTemplate: '{infix}.ext',
  coverPicture: {
    ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',
const args: CreateCollectionNewArguments = {
  address: '<your address>',
  name: 'Foo',
  description: 'Bar',
  tokenPrefix: 'Baz',
  schema: collectionSchema,
const result = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult(args);

const {
  parsed: { collectionId },
} = result;

console.log(`Created new collection with id ${collectionId}`);


address - The address of the collection owner

name - Collection name (text, up to 64 characters)

description - Collection description (text, up to 256 characters)

mode - The collection type (Nft, Fungible, or ReFungible)

tokenPrefix - Token prefix (text, up to 4 characters)

sponsorship - This field tells if sponsorship is enabled and what address is the current collection sponsor.

limits - Collection limits

interface CollectionLimits {
  accountTokenOwnershipLimit?: number | null;
  sponsoredDataSize?: number | null;
  sponsoredDataRateLimit?: number | null;
  tokenLimit?: number | null;
  sponsorTransferTimeout?: number | null;
  sponsorApproveTimeout?: number | null;
  ownerCanTransfer?: boolean | null;
  ownerCanDestroy?: boolean | null;
  transfersEnabled?: boolean | null;

metaUpdatePermission - Permission for update meta (ItemOwner, Admin, None)

permissions - Collection permissions

export interface CollectionNestingPermissionsDto {
  tokenOwner?: boolean;
  collectionAdmin?: boolean;
  restricted?: number[];

export interface CollectionPermissionsDto {
  access?: 'Normal' | 'AllowList';
  mintMode?: boolean;
  nesting?: CollectionNestingPermissionsDto;

schema - Collection schema

Behaviour and errors

Throws common errors on insufficient balance and so on.


The method returns a parsed object that contains the CollectionIdArguments.

interface CollectionIdArguments {
  collectionId: number;


import { CreateCollectionNewArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const result = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult({
  address: '<your address>',
  name: 'Foo',
  description: 'Bar',
  tokenPrefix: 'Baz',
  schema: {
    schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
    schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
    image: { urlTemplate: 'some_url/{infix}.extension' },
    coverPicture: {
      ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',

const {
  parsed: { collectionId },
} = result;

console.log(`Created new collection with id ${collectionId}`);
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "mode": "Nft",
  "name": "Sample collection name",
  "description": "sample collection description",
  "tokenPrefix": "TEST",
  "address": "yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm",
  "schema": {
    schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
    schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
    image: { urlTemplate: 'some_url/{infix}.extension' },
    coverPicture: {
      ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',

# then we sign, then we call

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
"signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult({
  address: '<your address>',
  name: 'Foo',
  description: 'Bar',
  tokenPrefix: 'Baz',
  schema: {
    schemaName: COLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME.unique,
    schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
    image: { urlTemplate: 'some_url/{infix}.extension' },
    coverPicture: {
      ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',

const {
  parsed: { collectionId },
} = result;

console.log(`Created collection with id ${collectionId}`);
Delete collection properties


This method deletes collection properties.

Brief example

import { DeleteCollectionPropertiesArguments} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: DeleteCollectionPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '<your address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result = await sdk.collection.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult(args);
const deletedKeys = => property.propertyKey);

console.log(`Deleted ${deletedKeys.join()}`);


address - string

collectionId - number

propertyKeys - string[]

Behaviour and errors

Throws common errors on insufficient balance and so on.


interface CollectionPropertyDeletedEvent {
  collectionId: number;
  propertyKey: string;

interface DeleteCollectionPropertiesResult {
  properties: CollectionPropertyDeletedEvent[];


import { DeleteCollectionPropertiesArguments} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: DeleteCollectionPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '<your address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result = await sdk.collection.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult(args);
const deletedKeys = => property.propertyKey);

console.log(`Deleted ${deletedKeys.join()}`);
curl -X 'DELETE' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "address": "yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm",
  "collectionId": 1,
  "propertyKeys": [
    "foo", "bar"

### then we sign, then we call

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
"signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

await sdk.collection.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<your address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],
Destroy collection


The method destroys collection if no tokens within this collection.

Brief example

import { DestroyCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const destroyArgs: DestroyCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<Account address>',
    collectionId: '<ID of the collection>'

const result = await sdk.collection.destroy.submitWaitResult(destroyArgs);
const { success } = result.parsed;


address - string

collectionId - number

Behaviour and errors

Throws common errors on insufficient balance and so on.


interface DestroyCollectionResult {
    success: boolean;


import { DestroyCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const destroyArgs: DestroyCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<Account address>',
    collectionId: '<ID of the collection>'

const result = await sdk.collection.destroy.submitWaitResult(destroyArgs);
const { success } = result.parsed;
curl -X 'DELETE' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "address": "yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm",
  "collectionId": 1
# then we sign, then we call

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
"signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    address: '<your address>',
    collectionId: 1,
Get effective limits by collection Id


The method gets collection effective limits.

Brief example

import { CollectionIdArguments, GetCollectionLimitsResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const { collectionId, limits }: GetCollectionLimitsResult = await sdk.collection.getLimits({ collectionId: 123 });

console.log(`Collection ${collectionId} limits: ${JSON.stringify(limits)}`);


collectionId - number

Behaviour and errors

By default, the collection limit is not set (their value is null).

This limit value can be seen when requesting a collection using the Get collection by ID method.

If the limit is not set by the user, then the default limit is actually applied to the collection.

The values of the limits actually applied to the collection (default and user-set) can be obtained using Get effective limits by collection ID.


interface CollectionLimits {
    accountTokenOwnershipLimit: number | null;
    sponsoredDataSize: number | null;
    sponsoredDataRateLimit: number | null;
    tokenLimit: number | null;
    sponsorTransferTimeout: number | null;
    sponsorApproveTimeout: number | null;
    ownerCanTransfer: boolean | null;
    ownerCanDestroy: boolean | null;
    transfersEnabled: boolean | null;

interface GetCollectionLimitsResult {
    collectionId: number;
    limits: CollectionLimits;


import { CollectionIdArguments, GetCollectionLimitsResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const { collectionId, limits }: GetCollectionLimitsResult = await sdk.collection.getLimits({ collectionId: 123 });

console.log(`Collection ${collectionId} limits: ${JSON.stringify(limits)}`);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { collectionId, limits } = await sdk.collection.getLimits({ collectionId: 1 });

console.log(`Collection ${collectionId} limits: ${JSON.stringify(limits)}`);
Property permissions


The method gets an array of collection property permissions (see Set token property permissions).

Brief example

  import {
  } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
  const args: PropertyPermissionsArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,
    // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],
  const result: PropertyPermissionsResult =
    await sdk.collection.propertyPermissions(args);


collectionId: number - Collection ID

propertyKeys?: string[] - Array of property keys to get values for

at?: HexString; - Allows specifying at which moment of the chain (block hash) you need to perform the check. If you leave it empty, the result will be for the last block of the chain.

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found


This method returns PropertyPermissionsResult

  type PropertyPermissionsResult = {
    propertyPermissions: Array<{  
      key: string;
      permission: {
        mutable: boolean;
        collectionAdmin: boolean;
        tokenOwner: boolean;


  import {
  } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
  const args: PropertyPermissionsArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,
    // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],
  const result: PropertyPermissionsResult =
    await sdk.collection.propertyPermissions(args);

    curl -X 'GET' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
  const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
  const result = await sdk.collection.propertyPermissions({
    collectionId: 1,
Set collection limits


The method sets some collection limits and starts enforcing them immediately.

You can get the current collection limits using the Get effective limits by collection Id method.

Only the Collection Owner has permission to call this method.

Brief example

    import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    import { SetCollectionLimitsArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const limitsArgs: SetCollectionLimitsArguments = {
      address: '<your account address>',
      collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
      limits: {
        accountTokenOwnershipLimit: 1000,
        sponsoredDataSize: 1024,
        sponsoredDataRateLimit: 30,
        tokenLimit: 1000000,
        sponsorTransferTimeout: 6,
        sponsorApproveTimeout: 6,
        ownerCanTransfer: false,
        ownerCanDestroy: false,
        transfersEnabled: false,
    const setResult = await sdk.collection.setLimits.submitWaitResult(limitsArgs);
    const { parsed: { collectionId, limits } } = result;


address: string- Signer, the address of the Collection Owner

collectionId: number - ID of the collection to set limits for

limits: CollectionLimits* - The Effective Limits of the collection. The difference between the Effective Limits and the limits returned by Get collection by Id is explained in get effective limits.

* Interface CollectionLimits

  • accountTokenOwnershipLimit?: number | null - Maximum number of tokens that one address can own
  • sponsoredDataSize?: number | null - Maximum byte size of custom token data that can be sponsored when tokens are minted in sponsored mode
  • sponsoredDataRateLimit?: number | null - Defines how many blocks need to pass between setVariableMetadata transactions in order for them to be sponsored
  • tokenLimit?: number | null - Total amount of tokens that can be minted in this collection.
  • sponsorTransferTimeout?: number | null - Time interval in blocks that defines once per how long a non-privileged user transfer or the mint transaction can be sponsored
  • sponsorApproveTimeout?: number | null - Time interval in blocks that defines once per how long a non-privileged user approve transaction can be sponsored
  • ownerCanTransfer?: boolean | null - A boolean value that tells if collection owner or admins can transfer or burn tokens owned by other non-privileged users
  • ownerCanDestroy?: boolean | null - A boolean value that tells if collection owner can destroy it
  • transfersEnabled?: boolean | null - Flag that defines whether token transfers between users are currently enabled

Behaviour and errors

Attention! Total amount of tokens includes also the tokens that have been minted and burned after that. So if tokenLimit=3, 2 tokens were minted and 1 of them was burned, only 1 more token can be minted.

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner


This method returns SetCollectionLimitsResult

    interface SetCollectionLimitsResult {
      collectionId: number;
      limits: CollectionLimits;


    import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    import { SetCollectionLimitsArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const limitsArgs: SetCollectionLimitsArguments = {
      address: '<your account address>',
      collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
      limits: {
        accountTokenOwnershipLimit: 1000,
        sponsoredDataSize: 1024,
        sponsoredDataRateLimit: 30,
        tokenLimit: 1000000,
        sponsorTransferTimeout: 6,
        sponsorApproveTimeout: 6,
        ownerCanTransfer: false,
        ownerCanDestroy: false,
        transfersEnabled: false,
    const setResult = await sdk.collection.setLimits.submitWaitResult(limitsArgs);
    const { parsed: { collectionId, limits } } = result;

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "limits": {
        "accountTokenOwnershipLimit": 1000,
        "sponsoredDataSize": 1024,
        "sponsoredDataRateLimit": 30,
        "tokenLimit": 1000000,
        "sponsorTransferTimeout": 6,
        "sponsorApproveTimeout": 6,
        "ownerCanTransfer": false,
        "ownerCanDestroy": false,
        "transfersEnabled": false
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "collectionId": 1
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.setLimits.submitWaitResult({
      "limits": {
        "accountTokenOwnershipLimit": 1000,
        "sponsoredDataSize": 1024,
        "sponsoredDataRateLimit": 30,
        "tokenLimit": 1000000,
        "sponsorTransferTimeout": 6,
        "sponsorApproveTimeout": 6,
        "ownerCanTransfer": false,
        "ownerCanDestroy": false,
        "transfersEnabled": false
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "collectionId": 1
    const { parsed: { collectionId, limits } } = result;
Set collection permissions


This method sets on-chain permissions for collection

Brief example

    import {
    } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const args: SetCollectionPermissionsArguments = {
      address: account.address,
      permissions: {
        access: CollectionAccess.Normal,
        mintMode: true,
        nesting: {
          collectionAdmin: true,
          tokenOwner: true,
    const result = await sdk.collection.setPermissions.submitWaitResult(args);
      `Collection #${result.parsed.collectionId} permissions successfully updated`,


address: string - Owner address

collectionId: number - Collection id

permissions: CollectionPermissions - Struct that contains the permissions for a collection

  • access?: CollectionAccess - 'Normal' (for public access) or 'WhiteList' (for restricted access)
  • mintMode?: boolean- True, if anyone is allowed to mint. False otherwise
  • nesting?:
    • tokenOwner?: boolean
    • collectionAdmin?: boolean
    • restricted?: number[]

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found


This method returns SetCollectionPermissionsResult

  type SetCollectionPermissionsResult = {
    collectionId: number;


  import {
  } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
  const args: SetCollectionPermissionsArguments = {
    address: account.address,
    permissions: {
      access: CollectionAccess.Normal,
      mintMode: true,
      nesting: {
        collectionAdmin: true,
        tokenOwner: true,
  const result = await sdk.collection.setPermissions.submitWaitResult(args);
    `Collection #${result.parsed.collectionId} permissions successfully updated`,
    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "collectionId": 1,
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "permissions": {
        "access": "Normal",
        "mintMode": true,
        "nesting": {
          "tokenOwner": true,
          "collectionAdmin": true
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
  const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
  const result = await sdk.collection.setPermissions.submitWaitResult({
    "collectionId": 1,
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
    "permissions": {
      "access": "Normal",
      "mintMode": true,
      "nesting": {
        "tokenOwner": true,
        "collectionAdmin": true
    `Collection #${result.parsed.collectionId} permissions successfully updated`,
Set collection properties


Collection properties are a unique set of keys and values. The maximum number of keys is 64. The maximum size of a parameter data block (keys and values) is 40kB.

Only the Collection Owner and Collection Admin can modify the Collection properties.

Property keys can only be added, they cannot be removed.

The naming of keys is restricted to a limited set of the following characters: Latin letter any case, numbers, dot, hyphen and underscore (regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z.-_]).

Brief example

    const args: SetCollectionPropertiesArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      properties: [
          key: 'foo',
          value: 'bar',
    const result = await sdk.collection.setProperties.submitWaitResult(args);


address: Address - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner or Collection Admin

collectionId: number - Collection id

properties: Array<{ key: string; value: string; }> - Array of properties

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner or Collection Admin


This method returns SetCollectionPermissionsResult

    type SetCollectionPermissionsResult = {
      collectionId: number;


    const args: SetCollectionPropertiesArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      properties: [
          key: 'foo',
          value: 'bar',
    const result = await sdk.collection.setProperties.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "properties": [
              "key": "foo",
              "value": "bar"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.setProperties.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "properties": [
          "key": "foo",
          "value": "bar"
    const { parsed: { properties } } = result;
    console.log(`Properties ${ => t.propertyKey).join()} are set for the collection`);
Set token property permissions


The method sets some tokenPropertyPermissions values. The current value of tokenPropertyPermissions can be found using Property permissions method.

The token cannot be attributed to an arbitrary key, only to a key from the tokenPropertyPermissions list.

Only the Collection Owner and Collection Admin can add and modify keys.

The permissions to create and modify properties of a collection are carried out using three keys - mutable, collectionAdmin and tokenOwner.

  • mutable attribute sets the immutability attribute.
  • collectionAdmin grants the designated collection administrator and the collection owner 'write/modify' access
  • tokenOwner grants the token owner 'write/modify' access

Brief example

    const args: SetTokenPropertyPermissionsArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      propertyPermissions: [
          key: 'foo',
          permission: {
            mutable: true,
            collectionAdmin: true,
            tokenOwner: true,
    const result =
      await sdk.collection.setPropertyPermissions.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner or Collection Admin

collectionId: number - Collection id

propertyPermissions: Array<{ key: string; permission: PropertyPermission*; }> - Array of property permissions

* Type PropertyPermission

mutable: boolean - attribute sets the immutability attribute

collectionAdmin: boolean - grants the designated collection administrator and the collection owner 'write/modify' access

tokenOwner: boolean - grants the token owner 'write/modify' access

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner or Collection Admin


This method returns SetTokenPropertyPermissionsResult

    type SetTokenPropertyPermissionsResult = {
      propertyPermissions: Array<{
        collectionId: number;
        propertyKey: string;


    const args: SetTokenPropertyPermissionsArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      propertyPermissions: [
          key: 'foo',
          permission: {
            mutable: true,
            collectionAdmin: true,
            tokenOwner: true,
    const result =
      await sdk.collection.setPropertyPermissions.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "propertyPermissions": [
          "key": "foo",
          "permission": {
            "mutable": true,
            "collectionAdmin": true,
            "tokenOwner": true
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.setPropertyPermissions.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "propertyPermissions": [
          "key": "foo",
          "permission": {
            "mutable": true,
            "collectionAdmin": true,
            "tokenOwner": true
    const { parsed: { propertyPermissions } } = result;
    console.log(`the values of the keys ${ => t.propertyKey).join()} are set`);
Set transfers enabled flag


The method enables or disables transfers in a collection.

Only the Collection Owner can call this method.

The method sets transfersEnabled flag for particular collection. The current value of the transfersEnabled flag can be found using the method Get effective limits.

Brief example

    import { SetTransfersEnabledArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: SetTransfersEnabledArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      isEnabled: true,
    const result = await sdk.collection.setTransfersEnabled.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string- Signer, the address of the Collection Owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

isEnabled: boolean - New flag value. If True, allows transfers, otherwise token transfers are frozen

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner


This method returns SetTransfersEnabledResult

    interface SetTransfersEnabledResult {
      success: boolean;


    import { SetTransfersEnabledArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: SetTransfersEnabledArguments = {
      address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
      collectionId: 1,
      isEnabled: true,
    const result = await sdk.collection.setTransfersEnabled.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "isEnabled": true
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.setTransfersEnabled.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "isEnabled": true

Change the owner of the collection


This method assigns a new collection owner. Only the Collection Owner can call this method.

Brief example

    import { TransferCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: TransferCollectionArguments = {
      collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
      from: '<collection owner>',
      to: '<new collection owner>'
    const result = await sdk.collection.transfer.submitWaitResult(args);
    const { collectionId, newOnwer } = result.parsed;


collectionId: number - ID of the collection to change owner for

from: string - The address of the Collection Owner

to: string - New collection owner (Substrate address)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • from address is not Collection Admin address


This method returns TransferCollectionResult

    export interface TransferCollectionResult {
      collectionId: number;
      owner: string;


    import { TransferCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: TransferCollectionArguments = {
      collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
      from: '<collection owner>',
      to: '<new collection owner>'
    const result = await sdk.collection.transfer.submitWaitResult(args);
    const { collectionId, newOnwer } = result.parsed;

    curl -X 'PATCH' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "collectionId": 1,
      "from": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "to": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.transfer.submitWaitResult({
      "collectionId": 1,
      "from": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "to": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, owner } } = result;
    console.log(`new owner of collection ${collectionId} has address ${owner}`);

Collections admin

Add collection admin


Adds an admin of the Collection.

Admin description is available in Get admin list method.

Only Collection Owner or Collection Admin has permission to call this method.

Brief example

    import { AddCollectionAdminArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const args: AddCollectionAdminArguments = {
      address: '<address>',
      collectionId: 1,
      newAdmin: '<address>',
    const result = await sdk.collection.addAdmin.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner or Collection Admin

collectionId: number - ID of the Collection to add admin for

newAdmin: string - Address of new admin to add

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner or Collection Admin


This method returns AddCollectionAdminResult

    interface AddCollectionAdminResult {
      collectionId: number;
      newAdmin: string;


    import { AddCollectionAdminArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const args: AddCollectionAdminArguments = {
      address: '<address>',
      collectionId: 1,
      newAdmin: '<address>',
    const result = await sdk.collection.addAdmin.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "newAdmin": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.addAdmin.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "newAdmin": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, newAdmin } } = result;
    console.log(`collection ${collectionId} has admin ${newAdmin}`);
Get admin list


Gets an array of Collection Admins.

NFT Collection can be controlled by multiple admin addresses (some of which can also be servers, for example).

Admins can issue and burn NFTs, as well as add and remove other admins, but cannot change NFT or Collection ownership.

The list of admins may be or become empty.

To add a Collection Admin, use the Add collection admin method.

Brief example

    import {
    } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: AdminlistArguments = {
      collectionId: 1,
    const result: AdminlistResult = await sdk.collection.admins(args);


collectionId: number - Collection id

at?: string; - Allows to specify at which moment of the chain (block hash) you need to perform the check. If you leave it empty, the result will be for the last block of the chain.

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found


This method returns AdminlistResult

    type AdminlistResult = {
      admins: string[];


    import {
    } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const args: AdminlistArguments = {
      collectionId: 1,
    const result: AdminlistResult = await sdk.collection.admins(args);
    curl -X 'GET' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.admins({
        collectionId: 1,
    const { admins } = result;
    console.log(`${admins.join()} - collection admins`);
Remove collection admin


The method removes the admin address of the Collection. An admin address can remove itself.

The list of admins may be or become empty, in which case only Collection Owner will be able to add an Admin.

Admin description is available in Get admin list method.

Only the Collection Owner or Collection Admin has permission to call this method.

Brief example

    import { RemoveCollectionAdminArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const args: RemoveCollectionAdminArguments = {
      address: '<address>',
      collectionId: 1,
      accountId: '<address>',
    const result = await sdk.collection.removeAdmin.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner or Collection Admin

collectionId: number - ID of the Collection to remove admin for

admin: string - Address of admin to remove

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner or Collection Admin


This method returns RemoveCollectionAdminResult

    interface RemoveCollectionAdminResult {
      collectionId: number;
      admin: string;


    import { RemoveCollectionAdminArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const args: RemoveCollectionAdminArguments = {
      address: '<address>',
      collectionId: 1,
      accountId: '<address>',
    const result = await sdk.collection.removeAdmin.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'DELETE' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
          "address": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
          "collectionId": 1,
          "admin": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    const result = await sdk.collection.removeAdmin.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "admin": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, admin } } = result;
    console.log(`admin ${admin} removed from collection ${collectionId}`);


Get bundle


Returns full tree of a nested tokens. You can request it with any token from the bundle, the result will be the same for all.

Brief example

import { NestedToken } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const result: NestedToken = await sdk.token.getBundle({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 5,


    tokenId: 1,
    collectionId: 1,
    nestingChildTokens: [
    {tokenId: 2, collectionId 1, childs: []},
    {tokenId: 5, collectionId 1, childs: []},       <------- this is the requested token


collectionId: number - collection id

tokenId: number - token id

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • If the topmost token of a bundle has no nested tokens
  • Recursion depth exceeded
  • Token not found during search for nested children


This method returns NestedToken

type NestedToken = Omit<TokenByIdResult, 'nestingChildTokens'> & {
  nestingChildTokens: NestedToken[];


import { GetBundleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: GetBundleArguments = {
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 5,

const bundle = await sdk.token.getBundle(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const bundle = await sdk.token.getBundle({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 5,

Is Bundle


The method returns whether the token is in part of the bundle or not.

Brief example

const isBundle = await sdk.token.isBundle({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 1,


// false


collectionId: number - collection id

tokenId: number - token id


This method returns IsBundleResult

type IsBundleResult = boolean;


import { IsBundleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: IsBundleArguments = {
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 1,

const bundle = await sdk.token.isBundle(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.isBundle({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 1,

Nest token


Nesting is a process of forming a structural relationship between two NFTs that form a parent-child relationship in a tree structure. Such a relationship is formed by forwarding token A2 to the address of token A1 by which A2 becomes a child of token A1 (conversely, token A1 becomes the parent of A2).

Brief example

import { NestTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: NestTokenArguments = {
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  parent: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const result = await sdk.token.nest.submitWaitResult(args);

const { tokenId, collectionId } = result.parsed;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully nested`,


address: string - Token owner address

parent: { collectionId: number, tokenId: number } - Parent token object

nested: { collectionId: number, tokenId: number } - Nested token object

value: number - optional (default: 1) - Amount of pieces (For Refungible token)

Behaviour and errors

Nesting can be applied only if the token collection has permission for nesting. If the collection has no permission for nesting - "UserIsNotAllowedToNest" Error will be thrown.

await sdk.collection.create.submitWaitResult({
  // ...
  permissions: {
    nesting: {
      tokenOwner: true,
      collectionAdmin: true,


The method returns NestTokenResult

type NestTokenResult = {
   * id of the collection
  collectionId: number;
   * id of the token
  tokenId: number;


import { NestTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: NestTokenArguments = {
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  parent: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const result = await sdk.token.nest.submitWaitResult(args);

const { tokenId, collectionId } = result.parsed;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully nested`,

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm",
      "parent": {
        "collectionId": 1,
        "tokenId": 1
      "nested": {
        "collectionId": 1,
        "tokenId": 2

    # then we sign, then we call

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.nest.submitWaitResult({
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  parent: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const {
  parsed: { sponsor, collectionId },
} = result;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully nested`,
Token children


Gets an array of nested tokens. If the token has no children returns an empty array.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenChildrenArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

const result: TokenChildrenResult = await sdk.token.children(args);


  children: [
      collectionId: 1,
      token: 2
      collection: 1,
      token: 3


collectionId: number - collection id

tokenId: number - token id


This method returns TokenChildrenResult

type TokenChildrenArguments = {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;

type TokenChildrenResult = {
  children: TokenChildrenArguments[];


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenChildrenArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

const result: TokenChildrenResult = await sdk.token.children(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.children({
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

Token parent


Returns info about the token parent. Call the tokenOwner method. If the owner is not a nesting token returns null.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenParentArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 2,

const result: TokenParentResult = await sdk.token.parent(args);


  collectionId: 1;
  tokenId: 1;
  address: "5HpZHYXjV23eEdVzhvYD2D3H6g1kM3aRGYwrmuGe9zaod6od";


collectionId: number - collection id

tokenId: number - token id


This method returns TokenParentResult

type TokenParentResult = {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;
  address: Address;


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenParentArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 2,

const result: TokenParentResult = await sdk.token.parent(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.parent({
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 2,

Topmost token owner


Returns substrate address of the topmost token owner.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenOwnerArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // blockHashAt: '0xff19c2457fa4d7216cfad444615586c4365250e7310e2de7032ded4fcbd36873'

const result: TopmostTokenOwnerResult = await sdk.token.topmostOwner(args);


  topmostOwner: "5HpZHYXjV23eEdVzhvYD2D3H6g1kM3aRGYwrmuGe9zaod6od"


collectionId: number - collection id

tokenId: number - token id

blockHashAt: string - optional - hash of execution block


This method returns TopmostTokenOwnerResult

type TopmostTokenOwnerResult = { topmostOwner: Address };


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenOwnerArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // blockHashAt: '0xff19c2457fa4d7216cfad444615586c4365250e7310e2de7032ded4fcbd36873'

const result: TopmostTokenOwnerResult = await sdk.token.topmostOwner(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.topmostOwner({
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 2,

Unnest token


Nesting is a process of forming a structural relationship between two NFTs that form a parent-child relationship in a tree structure. Such a relationship is formed by forwarding token A2 to the address of token A1 by which A2 becomes a child of token A1 (conversely, token A1 becomes the parent of A2).

Brief example

import { UnnestTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: UnnestTokenArguments = {
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const result = await sdk.token.unnest.submitWaitResult(args);

const { tokenId, collectionId } = result.parsed;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully unnested`,


address: string - Token owner address

nested: { collectionId: number, tokenId: number } - Nested token object

value: number - optional (default: 1) - Amount of pieces (For Refungible token)

to: string - optional - Address of new owner

Behaviour and errors

This method can only be executed if the token is nested.


The method returns UnnestTokenResult

type UnnestTokenResult = {
   * id of the collection
  collectionId: number;
   * id of the token
  tokenId: number;


import { UnnestTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: UnnestTokenArguments = {
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const result = await sdk.token.unnest.submitWaitResult(args);

const { tokenId, collectionId } = result.parsed;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully unnested`,

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm",
      "nested": {
        "collectionId": 1,
        "tokenId": 2

    # then we sign, then we call

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.unnest.submitWaitResult({
  address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
  nested: {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 2,

const {
  parsed: { sponsor, collectionId },
} = result;

  `Token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId} successfully unnested`,


Confirm sponsorship


Sponsors should use this method to confirm sponsorship after the collection owner called the set collection sponsor method.

Brief example

    import { ConfirmSponsorshipArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

    const confirmSponsorshipArgs: ConfirmSponsorshipArguments = {
        address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
        collectionId: 1,
    await sdk.collection.confirmSponsorship.submitWaitResult(confirmSponsorshipArgs);

    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });

    // `5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp - true`
    console.log(`${sponsorship?.address} - ${sponsorship?.isConfirmed}`);


address: string — sponsor address

collectionId: number — collection id

Behaviour and errors

This method takes collection id and confirms the signer to be a collection sponsor.

The collection owner should call the set collection sponsor with the sponsor address, otherwise, an error will be thrown.

Only an unconfirmed sponsor of the collection should call and sign this method.

Throws common errors on insufficient balance and so on.


This method returns ConfirmSponsorshipResult

    interface ConfirmSponsorshipResult {
         * id of the collection
        collectionId: number;
         * address of the sponsor (Substrate)
        sponsor: Address;


    import { ConfirmSponsorshipArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

    const confirmSponsorshipArgs: ConfirmSponsorshipArguments = {
        address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
        collectionId: 1,
    await sdk.collection.confirmSponsorship.submitWaitResult(confirmSponsorshipArgs);
    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });
    // `5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp - true`
    console.log(`${sponsorship?.address} - ${sponsorship?.isConfirmed}`);

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp",
    "collectionId": 1
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.confirmSponsorship.submitWaitResult({
        address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
        collectionId: 1,
    const { parsed: { sponsor, collectionId } } = result;
    console.log(`${sponsor} approved sponsorship of ${collectionId} collection`);
Next sponsored


This method returns the number of blocks when the sponsored transaction is available. Returns null if sponsorship hasn't been set.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const args: NextSponsoredArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  address: '5G4M7RCt8PvtFPFm4XSwu85eK9Z8n9c6rygHZawHVALUvgcd',
  // at: "0xa37d1c0155bda5877f4bc64c62cd37022c1b6db201c8225da7d169336d38b257"

const result: NextSponsoredResult = await sdk.collection.nextSponsored(args);

  "blockNumber": 0


collectionId: number - ID of collection

tokenId: number - ID of token

address: string - Address of transaction account

at: string - optional - Hash of execution block


This method returns NextSponsoredResult

type NextSponsoredResult = {
  blockNumber: number | null;


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const args: NextSponsoredArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  address: '5G4M7RCt8PvtFPFm4XSwu85eK9Z8n9c6rygHZawHVALUvgcd',
  // at: "0xa37d1c0155bda5877f4bc64c62cd37022c1b6db201c8225da7d169336d38b257"

const result: NextSponsoredResult = await sdk.collection.nextSponsored(args);

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
Remove collection sponsor


The collection owner can use this method to remove sponsors added by the set collection sponsor method.

Brief example

    import { RemoveSponsorshipArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

    const removeSponsorshipArgs: RemoveSponsorshipArguments = {
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
    await sdk.collection.removeSponsorship.submitWaitResult(removeSponsorshipArgs);

    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });

    // `null`


address: string — collection owner address

collectionId: number — collection id

Behaviour and errors

This method takes the collection id and removes the collection sponsor.

Only collection owners are allowed to call this method.

Throws common errors on insufficient balance and so on.


This method returns RemoveSponsorshipResult

    interface RemoveSponsorshipResult {
         * id of the collection
        collectionId: number;


    import { RemoveSponsorshipArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

    const removeSponsorshipArgs: RemoveSponsorshipArguments = {
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
    await sdk.collection.removeSponsorship.submitWaitResult(removeSponsorshipArgs);
    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });
    // `null`

    curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ",
    "collectionId": 1
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.removeSponsorship.submitWaitResult({
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
    const { parsed: { collectionId } } = result;
    console.log(`${collectionId} now works without sponsoring`);
Set collection sponsor


The collection owner can use this method to set the sponsor of the collection.

After that sponsor should call confirm sponsorship method and the sponsoring mechanism will be enabled.

The collection owner can also call remove collection sponsor method.

Brief example

    import { SetCollectionSponsorArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
    const setSponsorArgs: SetCollectionSponsorArguments = {
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
        newSponsor: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
    await sdk.collection.setSponsorship.submitWaitResult(setSponsorArgs);

    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });

    // `5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp - false`
    console.log(`${sponsorship?.address} - ${sponsorship?.isConfirmed}`);


address: string — collection owner address

collectionId: number — collection id

newSponsor: string — address of new sponsor

Behaviour and errors

The method takes an address and sets it as a collection sponsor.

The signer must be an admin of the collection.

Be aware that if the address is already a sponsor of the given collection no exception will be thrown, but a fee will be charged.

Throws common errors on insufficient balance.


This method returns SetSponsorshipResult

    interface SetSponsorshipResult {
         * id of the collection
        collectionId: number;
         * address of the sponsor (Substrate)
        sponsor: Address;


    import { SetCollectionSponsorArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
    const setSponsorArgs: SetCollectionSponsorArguments = {
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
        newSponsor: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
    await sdk.collection.setSponsorship.submitWaitResult(setSponsorArgs);
    const { sponsorship } = await sdk.collection.get({ collectionId: 1 });
    // `5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp - false`
    console.log(`${sponsorship?.address} - ${sponsorship?.isConfirmed}`);

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ",
    "collectionId": 1,
    "newSponsor": "5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.setSponsorship.submitWaitResult({
        address: '5HgvUDiRm5yjRSrrG9B6q6km7KLzkXMxvFLHPZpA13pmwCJQ',
        collectionId: 1,
        newSponsor: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
    const { parsed: { sponsor, collectionId } } = result;
    console.log(`${sponsor} should now approve sponsorship of ${collectionId} collection`);


Get account tokens of the collection


Returns an array of tokens, owned by address.

Brief example

import { AccountTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const tokensResult: AccountTokensResult = await sdk.token.accountTokens({
  collectionId: 1,
  address: '<address>',

const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
const { collectionId, tokenId } = token;


collectionId: number - ID of collection

address: string - address of tokens owner

Behaviour and errors


This method returns AccountTokensResult

import { TokenIdArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

interface AccountTokensResult {
  tokens: TokenIdArguments[];


  import { AccountTokensArguments, AccountTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
  const accountTokensArguments: AccountTokensArguments = {
      address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
      collectionId: 1,
  const tokensResult: AccountTokensResult = await sdk.token.accountTokens(accountTokensArguments);
  const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
  const { collectionId, tokenId } = token;
  console.log(`${collectionId} - ${tokenId}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const tokensResult = await sdk.token.accountTokens({
        address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
        collectionId: 1,

    const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
    const { collectionId, tokenId } = token;
    console.log(`${collectionId} - ${tokenId}`);
Get account tokens amount




Brief example






Get collection tokens


This method gets tokens contained within a collection.

Brief example

import { CollectionTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const result: CollectionTokensResult = await sdk.collection.tokens({
  collectionId: 1,


collectionId: number - Collection ID

Behaviour and errors


This method returns CollectionTokensResult - an array of token Ids contained within the passed collection.

interface CollectionTokensResult {
  ids: number[];


  import { CollectionTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

  const tokensResult: CollectionTokensResult = await sdk.collection.tokens({
    collectionId: 1,
  const { ids } = tokensResult;
  console.log(`ids - ${ids}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const tokensResult = await sdk.collection.tokens({
        collectionId: 1,

    const { ids } = tokensResult;
    console.log(`ids - ${ids}`);
Get collection stats


Returns blockchain collection statistics:

  • The number of total collections created
  • The number of destroyed collections
  • The number of collections that are still alive

Brief example

import { GetStatsResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const stats: GetStatsResult = await sdk.collection.getStats();

console.log(`stats: ${stats.created}, ${stats.destroyed}, ${stats.alive}`);


No arguments required.


This method returns GetStatsResult

interface GetStatsResult {
  created: number;
  destroyed: number;
  alive: number;


  import { CollectionTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

  const stats: GetStatsResult = await sdk.collection.getStats();
  const { created, destroyed, alive } = stats;
  console.log(`stats - ${created}, ${destroyed}, ${alive}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const stats = await sdk.collection.stats();

    const { created, destroyed, alive } = stats;

    console.log(`stats - ${created}, ${destroyed}, ${alive}`);
Last token id


The method gets the last generated token id.

Brief example

import { LastTokenIdResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

const lastTokenIdResult: LastTokenIdResult = await sdk.collection.lastTokenId({
  collectionId: 1,

const { tokenId } = lastTokenIdResult;

console.log(`tokenId - ${tokenId}`);


collectionId: number - ID of collection


This method returns LastTokenIdResult

interface LastTokenIdResult {
  tokenId: number;


  import { LastTokenIdResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';

  const lastTokenIdResult: LastTokenIdResult = await sdk.collection.lastTokenId({
    collectionId: 1,
  const { tokenId } = lastTokenIdResult;
  console.log(`tokenId - ${tokenId}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const lastTokenId = await sdk.collection.lastTokenId();

    const { tokenId } = lastTokenId;

    console.log(`lastTokenId - ${tokenId}`);
Total supply


Returns the number of tokens in the collection.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const result: TotalSupplyResult = await sdk.collection.totalSupply({
  collectionId: 1
const { totalSupply } = result;

console.log(`totalSupply - ${totalSupply}`);


collectionId: number - ID of collection

blockHashAt?: number - hash of execution block, is optional


This method returns LastTokenIdResult

interface TotalSupplyResult {
  totalSupply: number;


  import {
  } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
  const result: TotalSupplyResult = await sdk.collection.totalSupply({
    collectionId: 1
  const { totalSupply } = result;
  console.log(`totalSupply - ${totalSupply}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.collection.totalSupply();

    const { totalSupply } = result;

    console.log(`totalSupply - ${totalSupply}`);


Get allowance


Get the amount of token pieces approved to transfer

Brief example

import { AllowanceArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const AllowanceArgs: AllowanceArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { isAllowed } = await sdk.token.allowance(AllowanceArgs);


from: string - address from

to: string - address to

collectionId: number - ID of collection

tokenId: number - ID of token

at?: string — hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found


This method returns AllowanceResult

type AllowanceResult = {
    isAllowed: boolean;


import { AllowanceArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const AllowanceArgs: AddToAllowListArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { isAllowed } = await sdk.token.allowance(AllowanceArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:3000/token/allowance?collectionId=1&tokenId=1&from=<address>&to=<address>' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { isAllowed } = await sdk.token.allowance({
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
    newAdminId: '<valid address>'
Burn token


This method destroys a concrete instance of NFT

If the from parameter is specified, then the token is destroyed on behalf of the owner of the item.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin, or Current NFT owner has permission to call this method.

Brief example

import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
const burnItemArgs: BurnTokenArguments = {
  tokenId: 1,
  collectionId: 1,
const setResult = await sdk.token.burn.submitWaitResult(burnItemArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, address } = setResult.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

collectionId: number - ID of the collection

tokenId: number - ID of NFT to burn

Optional Arguments

from?: string - The owner of the item on whose behalf the token is destroyed

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • The Signer or from addresses do not have permission to call this method
  • If the owner of the collection (but not the owner of the token) wants to burn the token and the ownerCanTransfer flag is set to false. Check the set limits using the method get effective collection limits.
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns BurnTokenResult

  interface BurnTokenResult {
    collectionId: number;
    tokenId: number;
    address: Address;


import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';
const burnItemArgs: BurnTokenArguments = {
  tokenId: 1,
  collectionId: 1,
const setResult = await sdk.token.burn.submitWaitResult(burnItemArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, address } = setResult.parsed;

  curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "collectionId": 183,
    "tokenId": 5,
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.token.burn.submitWaitResult({
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, tokenId } } = result;
    console.log(`burned token ${tokenId} collection ${collectionId}`);

Create multiple tokens


This method creates multiple items in a collection.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin and addresses from the Allow List (if Allow List is enabled and MintPermission is enabled) can mint tokens.

Brief example

import { CreateMultipleTokensArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: CreateMultipleTokensArguments = {
  address: '<your account address>',
  collectionId: 123,
  tokens: [
    data: {
      encodedAttributes: {
        '0': 0,
        '1': [0],
        '2': 'foo_bar',
      image: {
        ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',
    owner: '<new token owner address>',
    properties: [{
      key: "example",
      value: "Hello world"

const result = await sdk.token.createMultiple.submitWaitResult(args);
const [{ collectionId, tokenId }] = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });


address: Address - The address of the collection owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokens: Array<CreateTokenPayload> - The content of the tokens:

  • Description UniqueTokenToCreate available in Create token method.

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • The signer must be Collection Owner or Collection Admin or in Allow List of the collection
  • The collection is set TokenLimit and creating a new token will exceed the token limit
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns TokenIdArguments[]

interface TokenIdArguments {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;


import { CreateMultipleTokensArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: CreateMultipleTokensArguments = {
  address: '<your account address>',
  collectionId: 123,
  tokens: [
    data: {
      encodedAttributes: {
        '0': 0,
        '1': [0],
        '2': 'foo_bar',
      image: {
        ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',
    owner: '<new token owner address>',
    properties: [{
      key: "example",
      value: "Hello world"

const result = await sdk.token.createMultiple.submitWaitResult(args);
const [{ collectionId, tokenId }] = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });

  curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
    "collectionId": 183,
    "tokens": [
        "data": {
          "image": {
            "url": ""
        "data": {
          "image": {
            "url": ""

    # then we sign, then we call

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await sdk.token.createMultiple.submitWaitResult({
  address: '5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty',
  collectionId: 183,
  tokens: [
      data: {
        image: {
          url: '',
      data: {
        image: {
          url: '',

const { parsed } = result;

console.log(`minted ${parsed.length} tokens`);
Create token (mint)


This method creates a concrete token instance of NFT collection.

Collection can be created with create method in collection section.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin and addresses from the Allow List (if Allow List is enabled and MintPermission is enabled) can mint token.

The owner of the token is specified in the owner field. If the owner field is not set, then the Signer becomes the owner of the token.

Brief example

import { CreateTokenNewArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const createTokenArgs: CreateTokenNewArguments = {
  address: '<your account address>',
  collectionId: 123,
  data: {
    encodedAttributes: {
      '0': 0,
      '1': [0],
      '2': 'foo_bar',
    image: {
      ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',

const result = await sdk.token.create.submitWaitResult(createArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });   


address: string - The address of collection owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

owner?: string - The address of token owner (optional)

data: UniqueTokenToCreate - The content of the token is stored in the fields of the object:

  • name?: LocalizedStringWithDefault*

  • description?: LocalizedStringWithDefault*

  • image: GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash** - Token image (url, urlInfix or ipfsCid)

  • imagePreview?: GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash**

  • video?: GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash**

  • audio?: GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash**

  • spatialObject?: GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash**

  • encodedAttributes?: EncodedTokenAttributes - Token attributes

* Type LocalizedStringWithDefault

  _: string;
  [K: string]: string;

* Type GenericInfixUrlOrCidWithHash

  { urlInfix?: string; hash?: string | null }
  | { url?: string; hash?: string | null }
  | { ipfsCid?: string; hash?: string | null };

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • The signer must be Collection Owner or Collection Admin or in Allow List of the collection
  • The collection is set TokenLimit and creating a new token will exceed the token limit (TokenLimit includes all the tokens that have been minted, even if some of them were burned after)
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns TokenIdArguments

  interface TokenIdArguments extends CollectionIdArguments {
    tokenId: number;


import { CreateTokenNewArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const createTokenArgs: CreateTokenNewArguments = {
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    data: {
        encodedAttributes: {
            '0': 0,
            '1': [0],
            '2': 'foo_bar',
        image: {
            ipfsCid: '<valid_ipfs_cid>',

const result = await sdk.token.create.submitWaitResult(createArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });

  curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
    "collectionId": 183,
    "data": {
      "image": {
        "url": ""
      "name": {
        "_": "Hello!"
      "description": {
        "_": "Hello!"

# then we sign, then we call

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.token.create.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "collectionId": 183,
      "data": {
        "image": {
          "url": ""
        "name": {
          "_": "Hello!"
        "description": {
          "_": "Hello!"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, tokenId } } = result;
    console.log(`created token ${tokenId} in collection ${collectionId}`);
Delete token properties


Deletes properties from a token.

Brief example

  const args: DeleteTokenPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],
  const result = await sdk.token.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner, Collection Admin or Token Owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

propertyKeys: string[] - Array of properties keys

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • Signer is Collection Admin or Token Owner and does not have permission to call the method (see set token property permissions method for details).
  • Keys not in tokenPropertyPermissions list


This method returns DeleteTokenPropertiesResult

  type DeleteTokenPropertiesResult = {
    properties: Array<{
      collectionId: number;
      tokenId: number;
      propertyKey: string;


  const args: DeleteTokenPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],
  const result = await sdk.token.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult(args);

  curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
    "collectionId": 1,
    "tokenId": 1,
    "propertyKeys": ['\''foo'\'', '\''bar'\'']
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const { parsed: { properties } } = await sdk.token.deleteProperties.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "propertyKeys": [
    console.log(`removed properties  ${ => t.propertyKey).join()}`);
Set token properties


Sets (creates or overwrites) properties for token.

Brief example

  const args: SetTokenPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    properties: [
        key: 'foo',
        value: 'bar',
  const result = await sdk.token.setProperties.submitWaitResult(args);


address: string - Signer, the address of the Collection Owner, Collection Admin or Token Owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

properties: Array<{ key: string; value: string; }> - Array of properties

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • Signer is Collection Admin or Token Owner and does not have permission to call the method (see set token property permissions method in the collection section for details).
  • Keys not in tokenPropertyPermissions list


This method returns SetTokenPropertiesResult

  type SetTokenPropertiesResult = {
    properties: Array<{
      collectionId: number;
      tokenId: number;
      propertyKey: string;


  const args: SetTokenPropertiesArguments = {
    address: '5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    properties: [
        key: 'foo',
        value: 'bar',
  const result = await sdk.token.setProperties.submitWaitResult(args);

    curl -X 'POST' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "properties": [
          "key": "foo",
          "value": "bar"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    const { parsed: { properties } } = await sdk.token.setProperties.submitWaitResult({
      "address": "5HNid8gyLiwocM9PyGVQetbWoBY76SrixnmjTRtewgaicKRX",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "properties": [
          "key": "foo",
          "value": "bar"

    console.log(`the values of the keys ${ => t.propertyKey).join()} are set`);
Get token


Returns information about the NFT of a specific collection.

Brief example

const token = await sdk.token.get({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 1,
const {
} = token;


collectionId: number — collection id

tokenId: number — token id

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found (not created or destroyed)
  • Token not found (not created or burned)
  • Check path chain (CHAIN_WS_URL)


This method returns TokenByIdResult

type TokenByIdResult = Omit<UniqueTokenDecoded, 'owner'> & {
  owner: Address;


const token = await sdk.token.get({
  collectionId: 2,
  tokenId: 1,
const {
} = token;
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    const result = await sdk.token.get({
      collectionId: 2,
      tokenId: 1,
    const { tokenId, owner } = result;
    console.log(`token ${tokenId} is owned by address ${owner}`);
Get token owner


This method allows you to get the current NFT owner.

The initial owner of the token is set to the address that signed the token creation extrinsic.

You can change the owner of the token using the token's transfer method.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenOwnerArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // blockHashAt: '0xff19c2457fa4d7216cfad444615586c4365250e7310e2de7032ded4fcbd36873'

const result: TokenOwnerResult = await sdk.token.owner(


collectionId: number — collection ID

tokenId: number — token ID

blockHashAt?: string — hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found (not created or destroyed)
  • Token not found (not created or burned)
  • Check path chain (CHAIN_WS_URL)


The method returns TokenOwnerResult

type TokenOwnerResult = { owner: Address }


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenOwnerArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // blockHashAt: '0xff19c2457fa4d7216cfad444615586c4365250e7310e2de7032ded4fcbd36873'

const result: TokenOwnerResult = await sdk.token.owner(

    curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const { owner } = await sdk.token.owner({
      collectionId: 1,
      tokenId: 1,
    console.log(`token owner ${owner}`);
Token properties


Gets an array of token properties. Property keys must be in the tokenPropertyPermissions list.

Brief example

import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenPropertiesArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result: TokenPropertiesResult = await;


collectionId: number - Collection ID

tokenId: number - Token ID

Additional arguments

propertyKeys?: string[] - Array of property keys

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found


This method returns TokenPropertiesResult

type TokenPropertiesResult = {
  properties: Array<{
    key: string;
    value: string;


import {
} from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const args: TokenPropertiesArguments = {
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  // propertyKeys: ['foo', 'bar'],

const result: TokenPropertiesResult = await;
  curl -X 'GET' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json'
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    const { properties } = await{
      collectionId: 1,
      tokenId: 1,
Transfer token


This method changes the ownership of the token.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin, or Current NFT owner has permission to call this method.

The Current NFT owner can be found using *get owner method of the token.

Brief example

import { TransferArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: TransferArguments = {
  address: '<address>',
  to: '<address>',
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

const result = await sdk.token.transfer.submitWaitResult(args);



address: string - Signer address. Signer doesn't needs to be an owner of the token (in this case, the owner should set allowance for the Signer to transfer token)

to: string - Address of token recipient

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

Optional Arguments

from: string - Address that owns token (default is signer address)

value: number - Amount to transfer (default is 1):

  • Non-Fungible Mode: Ignored
  • Fungible Mode: Must specify transferred amount
  • Re-Fungible Mode: Must specify transferred portion (between 0 and 1)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • Signer is not a Collection Owner, Collection Admin, or Current NFT owner
  • The restrictions set by the transfersEnabled or ownerCanTransfer flags apply. Check the set limits using collection get effective collection limits method.
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns TransferResult

interface TransferResult {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;
  from: Address;
  to: Address;
  value: number;


import { TransferArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: TransferArguments = {
  address: '<address>',
  to: '<address>',
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

const result = await sdk.token.transfer.submitWaitResult(args);


  curl -X 'PATCH' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "collectionId": 183,
    "tokenId": 1,
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
    "to": "5HGjWAeFDfFCWPsjFQdVV2Msvz2XtMktvgocEZcCj68kUMaw"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.token.transfer.submitWaitResult({
      "collectionId": 183,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "to": "5HGjWAeFDfFCWPsjFQdVV2Msvz2XtMktvgocEZcCj68kUMaw"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, tokenId, to } } = result;
    console.log(`${to} is the new owner of token ${tokenId} from collection ${collectionId}`);




Set, change, or remove approved address to transfer the ownership of the token or burn the token.

Brief example

import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address for whom token will be approved>',
    collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
    tokenId: '<ID of the token>',
    isApprove: true

const result = await sdk.token.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

spender: string - Address that is approved to transfer this token

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

isApprove: boolean - Must be true (for approval) or false (for disapproval)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection ot token not found
  • Signer is not Collection Owner, Collection Admin or Token Owner


This method returns ApproveResult

interface ApproveResult {
    collectionId: number;
    tokenId: number;


import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens/types';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address for whom token will be approved>',
    collectionId: '<ID of the collection>',
    tokenId: '<ID of the token>',
    isApprove: true

const result = await sdk.token.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;
    curl -X 'POST' \
      'http://localhost:3000/v1/tokens/approve?use=Build&withFee=false&verify=false' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
      "spender": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "isApprove": true

    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.token.approve.submitWaitResult({
        address: '5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty',
        spender: '5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty',
        collectionId: 1,
        tokenId: 1,
        isApprove: true
    const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;
Token exists


Checks if token exists in collection. Returns true or false.

Brief example

const { isExists } = await sdk.token.exists({ collectionId: 1, tokenId: 1 });


collectionId: number - ID of collection

tokenId: number - ID of token

at: string - optional - Hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found


This method returns TokenExistsResult

type TokenExistsResult = {
    isExists: boolean;


const { isExists } = await sdk.token.exists({ collectionId: 1, tokenId: 1 });
    curl -X 'GET' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { isExists } = await sdk.token.exists({
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1


Get all balances of the address


Returns information about account balances.

Brief example

const chainProperties = sdk.common.chainProperties();
const {
} = chainProperties;


  • address - Wallet address

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Validation error - if invalid address provided


This method returns all balances of the address.

You can find more information about balances in the balances section.

  • availableBalance - A truly free balance. Tokens that the user can transfer to another account or use in any other way.
  • lockedBalance - The balance locked by the logic of some pallets.
  • freeBalance - The balance of the user that they can use to perform operations on the network. Some operations (such as staking) may not decrease this balance, but may impose some restrictions on a part of it.
  • totalBalance - All tokens owned by the user.
  • reservedBalance - Reserved balance is a portion of the user's balance that is not available for any operations involving the user's funds.
  • stakedBalance - Tokens staked by appPromotion pallet.
  • unstakedBalance - Tokens amount waiting for unstake.
  • canstakeBalance - Amount of tokens that can be staked. It is equal to freeBalance - (stakedBalance + unstakedBalance).
interface Balance {
    raw: string;
    unit: string;
    decimals: number;
    amount: string;
    formatted: string;

interface AllBalances {
  address: Address;

  availableBalance: Balance;
  lockedBalance: Balance;
  freeBalance: Balance;

  totalBalance: Balance;
  reservedBalance: Balance;

  stakedBalance?: Balance;
  unstakedBalance?: Balance;
  canstakeBalance?: Balance;


const balance = await sdk.balance.get({
    address: 'yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm',

const {
} = balance;
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'  
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const balance = await sdk.balance.get({ address: 'yGCyN3eydMkze4EPtz59Tn7obwbUbYNZCz48dp8FRdemTaLwm' });

const {
} = balance;
Balance transfer


Balance transfers between accounts

Brief example

import { TransferBuildArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/types';
const transferArgs: TransferBuildArguments = {
  address: '<from account address>',
  destination: '<to account address>',
  amount: 0.001,
const transferResult = await sdk.balance.transfer.submitWaitResult(transferArgs);
const { success } = transferResult.parsed;


address: string - Wallet address to withdraw from destination: string - Wallet address for replenishment amount: number - Number of coins transferred

Behaviour and errors


This method returns BalanceTransferResult

interface BalanceTransferResult {
  success: boolean;



Add fungible tokens


  • address - The address of collection owner
  • collectionId - Collection Id
  • amount - amount of tokens
  • recipient - recipient of new tokens, address as default


  • collectionId - Collection Id
  • amount - amount of tokens
  • recipient - recipient of new tokens

The method add new tokens of the collection to recipient


import { AddTokensArgs } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const addTokens: AddTokensArgs = {
    address: '<collection_owner_address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    amount: 777,
    recipient: '<address_of_recipient>'

await sdk.fungible.addTokens.submitWaitResult(addTokens);
Get allowance


Get amount of fungible tokens approved to transfer

Brief example

import { AllowanceFungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const AllowanceArgs: AllowanceFungibleArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.fungible.allowance(AllowanceArgs);


from: string - Owner of tokens

to: string - The address approved for the transfer of tokens on behalf of the owner

collectionId: number - ID of collection

at?: string — Hash of execution block (optional)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found


The method returns a parsed object that contains the Balance.

interface Balance {
    raw: string;
    unit: string;
    decimals: number;
    amount: string;
    formatted: string;

See the detailed description of the fields in getBalance.


import { AllowanceFungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const AllowanceArgs: AllowanceFungibleArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.fungible.allowance(AllowanceArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { amount } = await client.fungible.allowanceTokens.submitWaitResult({
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,


Set, change, or remove approved address to transfer tokens.

Brief example

import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address to be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    amount: '<amount of tokens to be approved>',

const result = await sdk.fungible.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, amount } = result.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

spender: string - Account address to be approved

collectionId: number - Collection id

amount: number - Amount of tokens to be approved

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found
  • Signer is not Token Owner
  • Insufficient balance


The method returns a parsed object that contains the ApproveFungibleResult.

    collectionId: number;
    amount: number;


import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address to be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    amount: '<amount of tokens to be approved>',

const result = await sdk.fungible.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, amount } = result.parsed;
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"spender": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
"collectionId": 1,
"amount": 0.1
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.fungible.approveTokens.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address to be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    amount: '<amount of tokens to be approved>',
const { collectionId, amount } = result.parsed;
Burn token


This method destroys a amount of Fungible token.

If the from parameter is specified, then the token is destroyed on behalf of the owner of the item.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin, or Current Fungible owner has permission to call this method.

Brief example

import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnFungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';
const burnArgs: BurnFungibleArguments = {
  address: '...'
  collectionId: 1,
  amount: 10
const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult(burnArgs);
const { collectionId, address, amount } = result.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

collectionId: number - ID of the collection

amount: number - A amount of Fungible token

Optional Arguments

from?: string - The owner of the item on whose behalf the token is destroyed

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • The Signer or from addresses do not have permission to call this method
  • If the owner of the collection (but not the owner of the token) wants to burn the token and the ownerCanTransfer flag is set to false. Check the set limits using the method get effective limits of the collection.
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns BurnFungibleResult

  interface BurnFungibleResult {
    collectionId: number;
    address: Address;
    amount: number;


import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnFungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';
const burnArgs: BurnFungibleArguments = {
  address: '...',
  collectionId: 1,
  amount: 10
const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult(burnArgs);
const { collectionId, address, amount } = result.parsed;

  curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "collectionId": 183,
    "amount": 10,
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult({
      "collectionId": 1,
      "amount": 10,
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, amount } } = result;
    console.log(`burned ${amount} tokens in collection ${collectionId}`);

Create collection


  • address - The address of collection owner
  • name - Collection name (text, up to 64 characters)
  • description - Collection description (text, up to 256 characters)
  • mode - The collection type - Fungible
  • decimals - decimal part for tokens in collection
  • tokenPrefix - Token prefix (text, up to 4 characters)
  • sponsorship - This field tells if sponsorship is enabled and what address is the current collection sponsor.
  • limits - see set collection limits method
  • metaUpdatePermission - Permission for update meta (ItemOwner, Admin, None)
  • permissions - Collection permissions


The method returns a parsed object that contains the collectionId: number.


import { CreateFungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const collectionCreateArgs: CreateFungibleCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<valid_address>',
    name: 'Test fungible collection',
    description: 'just test',
    tokenPrefix: 'TEST',
    decimals: 10,

const createResult = await sdk.fungible.createCollection.submitWaitResult(collectionCreateArgs);

const { collectionId } = createResult.parsed;

const collection = await sdk.fungible.getCollection({ collectionId });
Get fungible tokens balance

Returns amount of fungible tokens owned by address.


  • collectionId - ID of the collection
  • address - address


  • raw - raw tokens amount
  • decimals - decimal part in fungible collection
  • amount - tokens amount (raw / decimal ** 10)
  • unit - collection token prefix
  • formatted - pretty formatted amount with SI


const accountBalance = await sdk.fungible.getBalance({ collectionId: 123, address: '<address>' });
const { formatted, unit } = accountBalance;

console.log(`Balance is ${formatted}${unit}`); // 'Balance is 100.0000 mTEST'
Get fungible collection by Id

Returns collection info in human format.


  • collectionId - ID of collection


  • address - The address of collection owner
  • name - Collection name (text, up to 64 characters)
  • description - Collection description (text, up to 256 characters)
  • mode - The collection type - Fungible
  • decimals - decimal part for tokens in collection
  • tokenPrefix - Token prefix (text, up to 4 characters)
  • sponsorship - This field tells if sponsorship is enabled and what address is the current collection sponsor.
  • limits - see set collection limits method
  • metaUpdatePermission - Permission for update meta (ItemOwner, Admin, None)
  • permissions - Collection permissions


const {
} = await sdk.fungible.getCollection({ collectionId: 123 });
Get total pieces


Returns amount of fungible tokens minted in collection.

Brief example

const { amount } = await sdk.fungible.getTotalPieces({ collectionId: 123 });

console.log(`Total pieces is ${amount}`);


collectionId: number — collection id

Behaviour and errors


This method returns GetTotalPiecesResult

interface GetTotalPiecesResult {
  collectionId: number;
  amount: number;


const { amount } = await sdk.fungible.getTotalPieces({ collectionId: 123 });

console.log(`Total pieces is ${amount}`);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

    const result = await sdk.fungible.getTotalPieces({
      collectionId: 2,
    const { amount } = result;
    console.log(`Total pieces is ${amount}`);
Transfer fungible tokens


  • address - The address of tokens owner
  • collectionId - ID of the collection
  • recipient - The address of recipient
  • amount - count of tokens


  • sender - The address of tokens owner
  • collectionId - ID of the collection
  • recipient - The address of recipient
  • amount - count of tokens


import { TransferTokensArgs } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const transferArgs: TransferTokensArgs = {
    address: '<your_address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    recipient: '<recipient_address>',
    amount: 100.1,

await sdk.fungible.transferTokens.submitWaitResult(transferArgs);


Get all account tokens of the collection


Returns an array of tokens, owned by address.

Brief example

import { AccountRefungibleTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const tokensResult: AccountRefungibleTokensResult = await sdk.refungible.getAccountTokens({
  collectionId: 1,
  address: '<address>',

const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = token;


collectionId: number - ID of collection

address: string - address of tokens owner

Behaviour and errors


This method returns AccountRefungibleTokensResult

interface AccountRefungibleTokenResult {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;
  amount: number;
interface AccountRefungibleTokensResult {
  tokens: AccountRefungibleTokenResult[];


  import { AccountRefungibleTokenArguments, AccountRefungibleTokensResult } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
  const accountTokensArguments: AccountRefungibleTokenArguments = {
      address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
      collectionId: 1,
  const tokensResult: AccountRefungibleTokensResult = await sdk.refungible.getAccountTokens(accountTokensArguments);
  const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
  const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = token;
  console.log(`${collectionId} - ${tokenId} - ${amount}`);
    curl -X 'GET' \
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const tokensResult = await sdk.refungible.accountTokens({
        address: '5DZGhQtBRyZpRgKX3VffhyBCSQD1KwU2yY1eAs99Soh7Dpwp',
        collectionId: 1,

    const token = tokensResult.tokens[0];
    const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = token;
    console.log(`${collectionId} - ${tokenId} - amount`);
Get allowance


Maximum number of RFT token pieces that one account is allowed to transfer from the balance of another account.

Brief example

import { AllowanceRefungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const AllowanceArgs: AllowanceRefungibleArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.refungible.allowance(AllowanceArgs);


from: string - Owner of tokens

to: string - The address approved for the transfer of tokens on behalf of the owner

collectionId: number - ID of collection

tokenId: number - ID of token

at?: string — hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found


This method returns AllowanceRefungibleResult

type AllowanceRefungibleResult = {
    amount: number;
  • amount - number of pieces


import { AllowanceRefungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const AllowanceArgs: AllowanceRefungibleArguments = {
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.refungible.allowance(AllowanceArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.fungible.allowanceToken.submitWaitResult({
    from: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
const { amount } = result.parsed;


Set, change, or remove approved address to transfer the ownership of the RFT.

Brief example

import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address for whom token will be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: '<number of pieces>',

const result = await sdk.refungible.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = result.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

spender: string - Account address for whom token will be approved

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

amount?: number - Amount number of pieces to be approved (default value 1)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • Signer is not Token Owner
  • Insufficient balance


The method returns a parsed object that contains the ApproveRefungibleResult.

    collectionId: number;
    tokenId: number;
    amount: number;


import { ApproveArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const approveArgs: ApproveArguments = {
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address for whom token will be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: '<number of pieces>',

const result = await sdk.refungible.approve.submitWaitResult(approveArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = result.parsed;
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
  "spender": "5HGjWAeFDfFCWPsjFQdVV2Msvz2XtMktvgocEZcCj68kUMaw",
  "collectionId": 1,
  "tokenId": 1,
  "amount": 3
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.refungible.approveToken.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<Signer address>',
    spender: '<Account address for whom token will be approved>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: '<number of pieces>',
const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = result.parsed;
Burn token


This method destroys a amount of Refungible token.

If the from parameter is specified, then the token is destroyed on behalf of the owner of the item.

Only the Collection Owner, Collection Admin, or Current Refungible owner has permission to call this method.

Brief example

import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnRefungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';
const burnArgs: BurnRefungibleArguments = {
  address: '...'
  collectionId: 1,
  topkenId: 1,
  amount: 10
const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult(burnArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, address, amount } = result.parsed;


address: string - Signer address

collectionId: number - ID of the collection

tokenId: number - ID of the token

amount: number - A amount of Refungible token

Optional Arguments

from?: string - The owner of the item on whose behalf the token is destroyed

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found
  • The Signer or from addresses do not have permission to call this method
  • If the owner of the collection (but not the owner of the token) wants to burn the token and the ownerCanTransfer flag is set to false. Check the set limits using the method get effective limits by collection id
  • Insufficient balance


This method returns BurnRefungibleResult

  interface BurnRefungibleResult {
    collectionId: number;
    tokenId: number;
    address: Address;
    amount: number;


import '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';
import { BurnRefungibleArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';
const burnArgs: BurnRefungibleArguments = {
  address: '...',
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  amount: 10
const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult(burnArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId, address, amount } = result.parsed;

  curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "collectionId": 183,
    "tokenId": 1,
    "amount": 10,
    "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    # then we sign, then we call
    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "signerPayloadJSON": { *from previous response* },
    "signature": "0x_your_signature_in_hex"
    const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });
    const result = await sdk.fungible.burn.submitWaitResult({
      "collectionId": 1,
      "tokenId": 1,
      "amount": 10,
      "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty"
    const { parsed: { collectionId, tokenId, amount } } = result;
    console.log(`burned ${amount} parts from token ${tokenId} in collection ${collectionId}`);

Create a refungible collection


The method creates a new RFT Collection.

RFT tokens can be created in a refungible collection.

Brief example

import { CreateFungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const collectionCreateArgs: CreateFungibleCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<valid_address>',
    name: 'Test fungible collection',
    description: 'just test',
    tokenPrefix: 'TEST',

const createResult = await sdk.refungible.createCollection.submitWaitResult(collectionCreateArgs);

const { collectionId } = createResult.parsed;

const collection = await sdk.refungible.getCollection({ collectionId });


The arguments are the same as for the create NFT token.

address - The address of the collection owner

name - Collection name (text, up to 64 characters)

description - Collection description (text, up to 256 characters)

tokenPrefix - Token prefix (text, up to 4 characters)

Optional Arguments

sponsorship - This field tells if sponsorship is enabled and what address is the current collection sponsor.

limits - see set collection limits method

metaUpdatePermission - Permission for update meta (ItemOwner, Admin, None)

permissions - Collection permissions

Behaviour and errors

Throws common errors on insufficient balance or incorrect parameters.


The method returns a parsed object that contains the CollectionIdArguments.

interface CollectionIdArguments {
  collectionId: number;


import { CreateFungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const collectionCreateArgs: CreateFungibleCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<valid_address>',
    name: 'Test refungible collection',
    description: 'just test',
    tokenPrefix: 'TEST',

const createResult = await sdk.refungible.createCollection.submitWaitResult(collectionCreateArgs);

const { collectionId } = createResult.parsed;

const collection = await sdk.refungible.getCollection({ collectionId });
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{  
"address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
    "name": "Test refungible collection",
    "description": "just test",
    "tokenPrefix": "TEST"
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.refungible.createCollection.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<valid_address>',
    name: 'Test refungible collection',
    description: 'just test',
    tokenPrefix: 'TEST',
const { collectionId, amount } = result.parsed;
Create RFT token


This method creates a concrete instance of RFT collection.

The RFT token is a non fungible token that was partitioned to pieces.

Collection can be created with create method in collection section.

Brief example

import { GetRefungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const createTokenArgs: GetRefungibleCollectionArguments = {
  address: '<your account address>',
  collectionId: 123,
  amount: 2,

const result = await sdk.refungible.createToken.submitWaitResult(createArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });


The arguments are the same as for the create NFT token.

And the amount property is added:

amount?: number; - Number of pieces the RFT is split into

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found, the collection is not an RFT collection
  • The number of pieces greater than 2^53 -1 (the maximum allowable number of pieces MAX_REFUNGIBLE_PIECES)
  • Insufficient balance


The method returns a parsed object that contains the CreateRefungibleTokenResult.

    collectionId: number;
    tokenId: number;
    owner: Address;
    amount: number;


import { GetRefungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const createTokenArgs: GetRefungibleCollectionArguments = {
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    amount: 2,

const result = await sdk.refungible.createToken.submitWaitResult(createArgs);
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;

const token = await sdk.token.get({ collectionId, tokenId });
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '  {"address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
  "collectionId": 123,
  "amount": 2}
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.refungible.createToken.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    amount: 2,
const { collectionId, tokenId } = result.parsed;
Get balance


Get number of RFT token pieces owned by address.

Brief example

import { TokenBalanceRequest } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const getBalanceArgs: TokenBalanceRequest = {
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = await sdk.refungible.getBalance(getBalanceArgs);


address: Address; - The address that owns the token pieces

collectionId: number; - Collection id

tokenId: number; - Token id

at?: At;- Hash of execution block (optional)

Behaviour and errors

Throws common errors on incorrect parameters.


The method returns the TokenBalanceResult.

export interface TokenBalanceResult {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;
  amount: number;


import { TokenBalanceRequest } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const getBalanceArgs: TokenBalanceRequest = {
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = await sdk.refungible.getBalance(getBalanceArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const { collectionId, tokenId, amount } = await client.fungible.getBalance({
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
Get refungible collection by Id


Returns RFT Collection info in human format.

Brief example

import { GetRefungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const getCollectionArgs: GetRefungibleCollectionArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,

const collection = await sdk.refungible.getCollection(getCollectionArgs);


type GetRefungibleCollectionArguments = {
  collectionId: number;
  at?: string;
  • collectionId - collection id
  • at - hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors

Throws a SubstrateClientError if the requested collection is not an RFT collection


The method returns a parsed object that contains the CollectionIdArguments.

interface CollectionIdArguments {
  collectionId: number;


import { GetRefungibleCollectionArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible';

const getCollectionArgs: GetRefungibleCollectionArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,

const collection = await sdk.refungible.getCollection(getCollectionArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const collection = await client.refungible.getCollection.submitWaitResult({
    collectionId: 1,


Change number of RFT token pieces.

Signer must be the owner of all token pieces.

To combine all parts of the token into one, set the amount parameter to 1.

Brief example

import { RepartitionTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const repartitionArgs: RepartitionTokenArguments = {
  address: '<your account address>',
  collectionId: 123,
  tokenId: 1,
  amount: 5,

const result = await sdk.refungible.repartitionToken.submitWaitResult(repartitionArgs);
const { success } = result.parsed;


address: string - The address of token owner

collectionId: number - Collection id

tokenId: number - Token id

amount: number; - Number of pieces the RFT is split into

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection not found, the collection is not an RFT collection
  • Token not found
  • The number of pieces greater than 2^53 -1 (the maximum allowable number of pieces MAX_REFUNGIBLE_PIECES)
  • Insufficient balance


The method returns a parsed object that contains the RepartitionTokenResult.

interface RepartitionTokenResult {
    success: boolean;


import { RepartitionTokenArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/refungible/types';

const repartitionArgs: RepartitionTokenArguments = {
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: 5,

const result = await sdk.refungible.repartitionToken.submitWaitResult(repartitionArgs);
const { success } = result.parsed;
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
"collectionId": 123,
"tokenId": 1,
"amount": 5
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.fungible.repartitionToken.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<your account address>',
    collectionId: 123,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: 5,
const { success } = result.parsed;
Total pieces


Get total number of pieces

Brief example

import { TotalPiecesArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const AllowanceArgs: TotalPiecesArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.refungible.totalPieces(AllowanceArgs);


collectionId: number - ID of collection

tokenId: number - ID of token

at?: string — Hash of execution block (optional)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • Collection or token not found


This method returns TotalPiecesResult

type TotalPiecesResult = {
    amount: number;
  • amount - number of pieces


import { TotalPiecesArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/fungible';

const AllowanceArgs: TotalPiecesArguments = {
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,

const { amount } = await sdk.refungible.totalPieces(AllowanceArgs);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.fungible.totalPieces.submitWaitResult({
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
const { amount } = result.parsed;
Transfer RFT tokens


This method changes the ownership of the RFT token pieces.

Brief example

import { TransferArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: TransferArguments = {
  address: '<address>',
  to: '<address>',
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,
  amount: 3,

const result = await sdk.refungible.transferToken.submitWaitResult(args);



The arguments are the same as for the transfer method in the tokens section.

And the amount property is added:

amount?: number - Amount to transfer. The default value is 1 (optional)

Behaviour and errors

Throw errors:

  • address is not the current owner or an authorized operator for this RFT
  • from is not the current owner
  • to is the zero address
  • tokenId is not a valid RFT
  • Transferable RFT pieces have multiple owners
  • Insufficient balance


The method returns a parsed object that contains the TransferRefungibleResult.

interface TransferRefungibleResult {
  collectionId: number;
  tokenId: number;
  from: Address;
  to: Address;
  amount: number;


import { TransferArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/tokens';

const args: TransferArguments = {
  address: '<address>',
  to: '<address>',
  collectionId: 1,
  tokenId: 1,

const result = await sdk.token.transfer.submitWaitResult(args);

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Seed //Bob' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "collectionId": 1,
  "tokenId": 1,
  "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
  "to": "5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y",
  "amount": 3
const sdk = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const result = await client.fungible.transferToken.submitWaitResult({
    address: '<address>',
    to: '<address>',
    collectionId: 1,
    tokenId: 1,
    amount: 3,



Call method


The method does not require a signature. With this method, you can only read information from the smart contract.

Brief example

const value = await{
  address: richAccount.address,
  funcName: 'getTestValue',
  args: [true],



address: string - Signer address

contractAddress: string - Ethereum address of the smart-contract

abi: Abi - JSON Abi of your smart-contract

funcName: string - Name of function smart-contract

args?: any[] - An array of arguments you want to pass to the function call

nonce?: number | HexString - The nonce for this transaction

at?: string - Hash of execution block

Behaviour and errors


The method can return any data, depending on the result of the smart contract function.


const value = await{
  address: richAccount.address,
  funcName: 'getTestValue',
  args: [true],

  curl -X 'POST' \
        '' \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
        "address": "5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty",
        "contractAddress": "0x60639DB997DAAeD16111998a45a4D6450809aB6A",
        "abi": [{
            "inputs": [],
            "name": "myStrValue",
                    "internalType": "string",
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "string"
            "stateMutability": "view",
            "type": "function"
        "funcName": "myStrValue"
const value = await{
  address: richAccount.address,
  funcName: 'getTestValue',
  args: [true],

Check Smart contract exist method


The method will check if there is a smart contract in the network at the specified address

Brief example

const { exist } = await sdk.evm.contractExists({
  contractAddress: '<ethereum address>'

console.log('exist', exist);


contractAddress: string - Ethereum address of the smart-contract

blockNumber?: number | string - Number of execution block

Behaviour and errors


This method returns EvmContractExistResponse

interface EvmContractExistResponse {
  exist: boolean;


const { exist } = await sdk.evm.contractExists({
  contractAddress: '<ethereum address>'

console.log('exist', exist);
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
const { exist } = await client.evm.contractExists({
  contractAddress: '<ethereum address>'

console.log('exist', exist);
Send method


Method for calling functions that make changes to the network and require transactions to be signed.

Brief example

import { EvmSendArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/evm/methods/send';

const sendArgs: EvmSendArguments = {
  address: richAccount.address,
  maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
  funcName: 'addValue',
  args: [1],
const { parsed } = await sdk.evm.send.submitWaitResult(sendArgs);



address: string - Signer address

contractAddress: string - Ethereum address of the smart-contract

abi: Abi - JSON Abi of your smart-contract

funcName: string - Name of function smart-contract

args?: any[] - An array of arguments you want to pass to the function call

nonce?: number | HexString - The nonce for this transaction

value?: number | string - The amount of money you want to transfer to the smart-contract

gasLimit?: number | string - Function gas limit

maxFeePerGas?: number | string

maxPriorityFeePerGas?: number | string

Behaviour and errors


This method returns EvmSendResult

import { HexString } from '@polkadot/util/types';
import { Event } from 'abi-coder';

export interface UnknownEvent {
  topics: string[];
  data: string;

interface EvmSendResult {
  isExecutedFailed: boolean;
  parsedEvents: Event[];
  unknownEvents: UnknownEvent[];


import { EvmSendArguments } from '@unique-nft/substrate-client/evm/methods/send';

const sendArgs: EvmSendArguments = {
  address: richAccount.address,
  maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
  funcName: 'addValue',
  args: [1],
const { parsed } = await sdk.evm.send.submitWaitResult(sendArgs);

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Seed <your seed>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "address": "5HNUuEAYMWEo4cuBW7tuL9mLHR9zSA8H7SdNKsNnYRB9M5TX",
        "contractAddress": "0x60639DB997DAAeD16111998a45a4D6450809aB6A",
        "abi": [{
              "internalType": "uint256",
              "name": "delta",
              "type": "uint256"
          "name": "updateMyUint",
          "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
          "type": "function"
        "funcName": "updateMyUint",
        "args": [1]
import { EvmSendArgumentsDto } from '@unique-nft/sdk/types';

const sendArgs: EvmSendArgumentsDto = {
  contractAddress: <contract adress>,
  address: <substrate address>,
  funcName: 'addValue',
  args: [1],
const { parsed } = await sdk.evm.send.submitWaitResult(sendArgs);




Upload file


Upload single file to IPFS

Brief example

const client = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const file = fs.readFileSync(`./your_picture.png`);

const { fullUrl, cid } = await client.ipfs.uploadFile({ file });

console.log(`Open by browser -> ${fullUrl}`);
console.log(`Or use CID if you need -> ${cid}`);


file: Buffer | Blob - File content

Behaviour and errors

Throws validation error if file mime type is not allowed


This method returns IpfsUploadResponse

export interface IpfsUploadResponse {
    /** Entry CID_V0 */
    cid: string;

    /** Full url for entry on IPFS gateway */
    fullUrl?: string;


curl -v -F file=@./1.jpg

Upload multiple files


Upload multiple files to IPFS and group inside single directory

Brief example

const client = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const contentAsBuffer = fs.readFileSync(`./1.png`);
const contentAsStream = fs.createReadStream(`./2.png`);

const files = [
    { content: contentAsBuffer, name: `1.png` },
    { content: contentAsStream, name: `2.png` },

const { fullUrl, cid } = await client.ipfs.uploadFiles({ files })

console.log(`Open by browser -> ${fullUrl}`);
console.log(`Or use CID if you need -> ${cid}`);


Method accepts IpfsUploadMultipleRequest

type FileLike = {
    content: Buffer | ReadableStream;
    name: string;

type IpfsUploadMultipleRequest = {
    files: Array<FileLike | File>;

Behaviour and errors

Throws validation error if file mime type is not allowed


This method returns IpfsUploadResponse

export interface IpfsUploadResponse {
    /** Entry CID_V0 */
    cid: string;

    /** Full url for entry on IPFS gateway */
    fullUrl?: string;


const client = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const name = 'punk-1.png';

const contentAsBuffer = fs.readFileSync(`./1.png`);
const contentAsStream = fs.createReadStream(`./2.png`);

const files = [
    { content: contentAsBuffer, name: `1.png` },
    { content: contentAsStream, name: `2.png` },

const { fullUrl, cid } = await client.ipfs.uploadFiles({ files })

console.log(`Open by browser -> ${fullUrl}`);
console.log(`Or use CID if you need -> ${cid}`);
curl -v \
 -F files=@1.jpg \
 -F files=@2.jpg \

Add multiple files to existing folder


Upload multiple files to existing IPFS folder and get new URL and CID

Brief example

const client = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const contentAsBuffer = fs.readFileSync(`./1.png`);
const firstFilesArray = [{ content: contentAsBuffer, name: `1.png` }];

const contentAsStream = fs.createReadStream(`./2.png`);
const secondFilesArray = [{ content: contentAsStream, name: `2.png` }];

const { cid: firstCid } = await client.ipfs.uploadFiles({ files: firstFilesArray });

const { fullUrl, cid } = await client.ipfs.addFiles({ cid: firstCid, files: secondFilesArray });

console.log(`Open by browser -> ${fullUrl}`);
console.log(`Or use CID if you need -> ${cid}`);


Method accepts IpfsAddMultipleRequest

type FileLike = {
    content: Buffer | ReadableStream;
    name: string;

type IpfsUploadMultipleRequest = {
    cid: string;
    files: Array<FileLike | File>;

Behaviour and errors

Throws validation error if file mime type is not allowed


This method returns IpfsUploadResponse

export interface IpfsUploadResponse {
    /** Entry CID_V0 */
    cid: string;

    /** Full url for entry on IPFS gateway */
    fullUrl?: string;


const client = new Sdk({ baseUrl: '' });

const contentAsBuffer = fs.readFileSync(`./1.png`);
const firstFilesArray = [{ content: contentAsBuffer, name: `1.png` }];

const contentAsStream = fs.createReadStream(`./2.png`);
const secondFilesArray = [{ content: contentAsStream, name: `2.png` }];

const { cid: firstCid } = await client.ipfs.uploadFiles({ files: firstFilesArray });

const { fullUrl, cid } = await client.ipfs.addFiles({ cid: firstCid, files: secondFilesArray });

console.log(`Open by browser -> ${fullUrl}`);
console.log(`Or use CID if you need -> ${cid}`);
curl -X PATCH -v \
 -F files=@3.jpg \
 -F cid=QmbZFugbeYQZj2jqH9qE1zPzUEJ4Zcj8RE5jqGGBpBYaRd \