Contract Helpers

Address: 0x842899ECF380553E8a4de75bF534cdf6fBF64049

This precompiled contract allows the owner to manage the sponsorship of their contract.


Below is an overview of the ContractHelpers API.

Click here to see the full interface
// SPDX-License-Identifier: OTHER
// This code is automatically generated

pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;

/// @dev common stubs holder
interface Dummy {


interface ERC165 is Dummy {
	function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool);

/// @dev inlined interface
interface ContractHelpersEvents {
	event ContractSponsorSet(address indexed contractAddress, address sponsor);
	event ContractSponsorshipConfirmed(address indexed contractAddress, address sponsor);
	event ContractSponsorRemoved(address indexed contractAddress);

/// @title Magic contract, which allows users to reconfigure other contracts
/// @dev the ERC-165 identifier for this interface is 0x30afad04
interface ContractHelpers is Dummy, ERC165, ContractHelpersEvents {
	/// Get user, which deployed specified contract
	/// @dev May return zero address in case if contract is deployed
	///  using uniquenetwork evm-migration pallet, or using other terms not
	///  intended by pallet-evm
	/// @dev Returns zero address if contract does not exists
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to get owner of
	/// @return address Owner of contract
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x5152b14c,
	///  or in textual repr: contractOwner(address)
	function contractOwner(address contractAddress) external view returns (address);

	/// Set sponsor.
	/// @param contractAddress Contract for which a sponsor is being established.
	/// @param sponsor User address who set as pending sponsor.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xf01fba93,
	///  or in textual repr: setSponsor(address,address)
	function setSponsor(address contractAddress, address sponsor) external;

	/// Set contract as self sponsored.
	/// @param contractAddress Contract for which a self sponsoring is being enabled.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x89f7d9ae,
	///  or in textual repr: selfSponsoredEnable(address)
	function selfSponsoredEnable(address contractAddress) external;

	/// Remove sponsor.
	/// @param contractAddress Contract for which a sponsorship is being removed.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xef784250,
	///  or in textual repr: removeSponsor(address)
	function removeSponsor(address contractAddress) external;

	/// Confirm sponsorship.
	/// @dev Caller must be same that set via [`setSponsor`].
	/// @param contractAddress Сontract for which need to confirm sponsorship.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xabc00001,
	///  or in textual repr: confirmSponsorship(address)
	function confirmSponsorship(address contractAddress) external;

	/// Get current sponsor.
	/// @param contractAddress The contract for which a sponsor is requested.
	/// @return Tuble with sponsor address and his substrate mirror. If there is no confirmed sponsor error "Contract has no sponsor" throw.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x766c4f37,
	///  or in textual repr: sponsor(address)
	function sponsor(address contractAddress) external view returns (OptionCrossAddress memory);

	/// Check tat contract has confirmed sponsor.
	/// @param contractAddress The contract for which the presence of a confirmed sponsor is checked.
	/// @return **true** if contract has confirmed sponsor.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x97418603,
	///  or in textual repr: hasSponsor(address)
	function hasSponsor(address contractAddress) external view returns (bool);

	/// Check tat contract has pending sponsor.
	/// @param contractAddress The contract for which the presence of a pending sponsor is checked.
	/// @return **true** if contract has pending sponsor.
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x39b9b242,
	///  or in textual repr: hasPendingSponsor(address)
	function hasPendingSponsor(address contractAddress) external view returns (bool);

	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x6027dc61,
	///  or in textual repr: sponsoringEnabled(address)
	function sponsoringEnabled(address contractAddress) external view returns (bool);

	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xfde8a560,
	///  or in textual repr: setSponsoringMode(address,uint8)
	function setSponsoringMode(address contractAddress, SponsoringModeT mode) external;

	/// Get current contract sponsoring rate limit
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to get sponsoring rate limit of
	/// @return uint32 Amount of blocks between two sponsored transactions
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xf29694d8,
	///  or in textual repr: sponsoringRateLimit(address)
	function sponsoringRateLimit(address contractAddress) external view returns (uint32);

	/// Set contract sponsoring rate limit
	/// @dev Sponsoring rate limit - is a minimum amount of blocks that should
	///  pass between two sponsored transactions
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to change sponsoring rate limit of
	/// @param rateLimit Target rate limit
	/// @dev Only contract owner can change this setting
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x77b6c908,
	///  or in textual repr: setSponsoringRateLimit(address,uint32)
	function setSponsoringRateLimit(address contractAddress, uint32 rateLimit) external;

	/// Set contract sponsoring fee limit
	/// @dev Sponsoring fee limit - is maximum fee that could be spent by
	///  single transaction
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to change sponsoring fee limit of
	/// @param feeLimit Fee limit
	/// @dev Only contract owner can change this setting
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x03aed665,
	///  or in textual repr: setSponsoringFeeLimit(address,uint256)
	function setSponsoringFeeLimit(address contractAddress, uint256 feeLimit) external;

	/// Get current contract sponsoring fee limit
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to get sponsoring fee limit of
	/// @return uint256 Maximum amount of fee that could be spent by single
	///  transaction
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x75b73606,
	///  or in textual repr: sponsoringFeeLimit(address)
	function sponsoringFeeLimit(address contractAddress) external view returns (uint256);

	/// Is specified user present in contract allow list
	/// @dev Contract owner always implicitly included
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to check allowlist of
	/// @param user User to check
	/// @return bool Is specified users exists in contract allowlist
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x5c658165,
	///  or in textual repr: allowed(address,address)
	function allowed(address contractAddress, address user) external view returns (bool);

	/// Toggle user presence in contract allowlist
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to change allowlist of
	/// @param user Which user presence should be toggled
	/// @param isAllowed `true` if user should be allowed to be sponsored
	///  or call this contract, `false` otherwise
	/// @dev Only contract owner can change this setting
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x4706cc1c,
	///  or in textual repr: toggleAllowed(address,address,bool)
	function toggleAllowed(
		address contractAddress,
		address user,
		bool isAllowed
	) external;

	/// Is this contract has allowlist access enabled
	/// @dev Allowlist always can have users, and it is used for two purposes:
	///  in case of allowlist sponsoring mode, users will be sponsored if they exist in allowlist
	///  in case of allowlist access enabled, only users from allowlist may call this contract
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to get allowlist access of
	/// @return bool Is specified contract has allowlist access enabled
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0xc772ef6c,
	///  or in textual repr: allowlistEnabled(address)
	function allowlistEnabled(address contractAddress) external view returns (bool);

	/// Toggle contract allowlist access
	/// @param contractAddress Contract to change allowlist access of
	/// @param enabled Should allowlist access to be enabled?
	/// @dev EVM selector for this function is: 0x36de20f5,
	///  or in textual repr: toggleAllowlist(address,bool)
	function toggleAllowlist(address contractAddress, bool enabled) external;

/// Available contract sponsoring modes
enum SponsoringModeT {
	/// Sponsoring is disabled
	/// Only users from allowlist will be sponsored
	/// All users will be sponsored

/// Optional value
struct OptionCrossAddress {
	/// Shows the status of accessibility of value
	bool status;
	/// Actual value if `status` is true
	CrossAddress value;

/// Cross account struct
struct CrossAddress {
	address eth;
	uint256 sub;


Returns the owner of the specified contract

function contractOwner(address contractAddress) public view returns (address)


Sets a sponsor for a specified contract

function setSponsor(address contractAddress, address sponsor) public


Enables self-sponsorship for a specified contract

function selfSponsoredEnable(address contractAddress) public


Removes the sponsor for a specified contract

function removeSponsor(address contractAddress) public


Confirms sponsorship for a specified contract. The caller must be the same address that set the sponsor via setSponsor

function confirmSponsorship(address contractAddress) public

Gets the current sponsor for a specified contract

function sponsor(address contractAddress) public view returns (OptionCrossAddress memory)


Checks if a contract has a confirmed sponsor

function hasSponsor(address contractAddress) public view returns (bool)


Checks if a contract has a pending sponsor

function hasPendingSponsor(address contractAddress) public view returns (bool)


Checks if sponsoring is enabled for a specified contract

function sponsoringEnabled(address contractAddress) public view returns (bool)


Sets the sponsoring mode for a specified contract

function setSponsoringMode(address contractAddress, SponsoringModeT mode) public


Gets the current sponsoring rate limit for a specified contract

function sponsoringRateLimit(address contractAddress) public view returns (uint32)


Sets the sponsoring rate limit for a specified contract. Only the contract owner can change this setting

function setSponsoringRateLimit(address contractAddress, uint32 rateLimit) public


Sets the sponsoring fee limit for a specified contract. Only the contract owner can change this setting

function setSponsoringFeeLimit(address contractAddress, uint256 feeLimit) public


Gets the current sponsoring fee limit for a specified contract

function sponsoringFeeLimit(address contractAddress) public view returns (uint256)


Checks if a specified user is present in the contract allowlist. The contract owner is always implicitly included

function allowed(address contractAddress, address user) public view returns (bool)


Toggles a user's presence in the contract allowlist. Only the contract owner can change this setting

function toggleAllowed(address contractAddress, address user, bool isAllowed) public


Checks if allowlist access is enabled for a specified contract

function allowlistEnabled(address contractAddress) public view returns (bool)


Toggles allowlist access for a specified contract. Only the contract owner can change this setting

function toggleAllowlist(address contractAddress, bool enabled) public