
An NFT, or non-fungible token, represents a unique digital asset that cannot be replaced or exchanged on a one-to-one basis. NFTs can take many forms, such as JPEG images, music, or digital artwork. For example, as an artist, you could create a 3-minute YouTube video by combining your images and music. Once created, you can sell this video as an NFT, potentially at a great price if it offers value to the community. It's similar to purchasing art at a gallery, but it's a much simpler and more accessible process.


Follow the Getting started guide to install required libraries, receive test network OPL tokens, and initialize SDK.

At this point, you need to know how to manage collections. Learn how to do this in the Working with collections guide.

Getting started

Let's start with a minimum example. At this point, we assume you already minted your NFT collection, and you have its collection.

const mintNftTx = await sdk.token.mintNFTs({
  tokens: [
    {data: {image: ''}},
    {data: {image: ''}},

const [nft1, nft2] = mintNftTx.result;

console.log('Minted tokens:', nft1.tokenId, nft2.tokenId);

Check your newly created tokens on Unique Scanopen in new window

Token properties and attributes

In the collections section, we've learned basics about token properties. Let's do a quick recap.

  1. Token property is a key/value pair
  2. The list of possible keys, as well as their mutability, are set on the collection level


Now, let's create a token and set its properties.

// This is an example of a collection created in the collection section
const {result} = await sdk.collection.create({
  name: "Test",
  description: "Test collection",
  symbol: "TST",
  info: {cover_image: {url: coverImage}},
  tokenPropertyPermissions: [ // <--- set token property permissions here 
    {key: 'A', permission: {mutable: true, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: true}},
    {key: 'B', permission: {mutable: false, collectionAdmin: false, tokenOwner: false}},
    {key: 'C', permission: {mutable: false, collectionAdmin: false, tokenOwner: true}},

const nftImage = "";

const mintNftTx = await sdk.token.mintNFTs({
  collectionId: result.collectionId,
  tokens: [
    {data: {image: nftImage}, properties: [{key: "A", value: "value A"}]},

In the example above, we created only one NFT and set only one property—A.

Later, the NFT owner can specify property C.

await sdk.token.setProperties(
    tokenId: mintNftTx.result[0].tokenId,
    properties: [{key: "C", value: "value C"}]

But because of permissions of property B it could have been set only during the minting. So it will remain unset forever.


Properties are a part of a token on a core blockchain level. They can be set with arbitrary metadata, i.e., schema name and version, royalties, etc.

Attributes define token traits and are not a part of a blockchain core. Examples of attributes could be a power or experience for a gaming character. In Unique Schema, attributes are stored in tokenData property of an NFT.

Let's mint some extra tokens with attributes.

const mintNftTx = await sdk.token.mintNFTs({
 collectionId: result.collectionId,
 tokens: [
    data: {
      image: nftImage,
      attributes: [ // <--- setting attributes
        {trait_type: "power", value: 50},
        {trait_type: "experience", value: 300}

Now, let's have a look at the newly created token.

const nft = await sdk.token.get({
 collectionId: result.collectionId,
 tokenId: 1


The output:

attributes: [
 { trait_type: 'power', value: 50 },
 { trait_type: 'experience', value: 300 }

And that is how your token will be displayed on Unique Scanopen in new window and other wallets.

Token attributes

Properties and attributes mutation

In the collection section, we've learned that token properties can be set as mutable by the collection admin or token owner.

Let's make a quick recap of how it can be done. Below, we set mutability for token property A:

await sdk.collection.create({
  tokenPropertyPermissions: [
    // This is how we specify token properties' mutability during the collection creation
    {key: 'A', permission: {mutable: true, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: true}},


If the property is specified as mutable, it can be set after the token has been created.

await sdk.token.setProperties({
  properties: [{ key: "A", value: "New value" }],

As far as deleted:

await sdk.token.deleteProperties({
  keys: ['A'],

Attributes are part of tokenData property which is by default mutable for collection admin. You can override it during the collection creation.

The SDK provides the following method for attribute mutation:

await sdk.token.updateNft({
  data: {
    attributes: [
        trait_type: "Power",
        value: 42,
    image: "",


The token owner can transfer its token if the collection limits do not restrict token transfer.

await sdk.token.transfer({
  to: "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"

It is also possible to approve the transfer for another account.

// SDK's default account approves NFT for Alice
const approvalTx = await sdk.token.approve({
  spender: alice.address,

// Let's check token is approved
const { isApproved } = await sdk.token.getApproved({
  spender: alice.address,

// Now, Alice can transfer approved token
const transferFromTx = await sdk.token.transfer(
    to: alice.address,
    tokenId: token1.tokenId,
    from: account.address,
    signerAddress: alice.address,
  // This transaction made by Alice


The token owner can destroy its token if the collection limits do not restrict token burn.

await sdk.token.burn({

If token is approved for account this account can be burn token from:

// Approve token for alice
const approvalTx = await sdk.token.approve({
  spender: alice.address,

// alice burns token directly without transfer
await sdk.token.burn(
    tokenId: token1.tokenId,
    amount: 1,
    from: account.address,
  { signerAddress: alice.address },


In Unique Network token can own other tokens, this mechanism called nesting. In the collection section you've learned how nesting can be configured on the collection level.

Now, let's see how tokens can be nested.

await sdk.token.nest({
  nested: { collectionId, tokenId: token1.tokenId },
  parent: { collectionId, tokenId: token2.tokenId },

In the example above, token1 will be nested to token2. This means:

  • token2 is the owner of token1.
  • Topmost token owner (real owner) of token2 will be the owner of token1
  • if token2 is transferred to a different account, this new account becomes the topmost owner for token1

Let's get token's topmost owner:

const { topmostOwner } = await sdk.token.get({
  collectionId: collectionId,
  tokenId: token1.tokenId,

The topmost token owner can unnest tokens. In the example below, token1 will be transferred from the token2 address back to the topmost owner.

await sdk.token.unnest({ nested: { collectionId, tokenId: token1.tokenId } });

Understanding token address

In Unique Network every collection and token have unique ID. At the same time these IDs can be mapped to EVM address. So nesting is a simple transfer of a token to the address of other token.

The concept of collections and token addresses is particularly useful when working with smart contracts.

Under the hood all nested tokens are allowed to transferFrom for the topmost token owner. So the unnest is just a synthetic sugar, and you can transfer nested tokens directly to whatever address you want. See transfer